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    Do you know someone who owns cats? If so, you may be wondering what to get them for the holidays or their birthday this year. At Thunder Acres, we have put together a list of four great gifts that any cat lover would love to receive. From wheatgrass seeds to the Ultimate Cat Lovers Kit, we have something for everyone on your list. So don't wait - order your gifts today and make your loved one's special day a little bit brighter!

    Wheatgrass Seeds

    If your cat lover friend has a garden, wheatgrass seeds make a great gift. Not only can wheatgrass be used for juice for people, it is a great plant for cats to play with and eat instead of other plants that could be hazardous to their health. Wheatgrass is the perfect food for cats and can help keep their fur looking healthy and shiny. It's also a good source of fiber, so it can help keep their digestive system functioning properly. Make sure to order the proper growing supplies, including trays and coco coir. All of our wheatgrass seeds are GMO-free and certified Organic.

    Cat Grass Blends

    If your loved one doesn't have a green thumb, cat grass blends are another easy plant to grow that will keep their cats happy. These blends contain a mix of wheatgrass seeds, oat seeds, rye seeds, and barley seeds, that will grow into grasses that are safe for cats to eat. They're easy to grow and care for, and they'll provide your friend's feline friends with all the same benefits as wheatgrass. You even get a free cat toy when you order this blend! Like our wheatgrass, this blend is GMO-free and certified Organic. 

    Cat Toys

    No matter how many cats a person owns, they can always use more cat toys. Cat toys help keep cats entertained and help them stay healthy and active. There are so many different types of cat toys to choose from, so you're sure to find something your loved one will love. At Thunder Acres, we have some really fun mouse toys that will make any kitty happy! These colorful toys are lightweight and feature feather tails.

    The Ultimate Cat Lovers Kit

    If you want to give your friend the ultimate gift to share with their feline friend, look no further than the Ultimate Cat Lovers Kit. This kit contains everything a cat lover needs to keep their cats happy and healthy. It includes cat grass seeds, catnip seeds, bamboo pots to grow the seeds in, coco coir, and a bonus cat toy! So if you want to give your friend the gift that keeps on giving, the Ultimate Cat Lovers Kit is the perfect choice.

    Order from Thunder Acres today and make your loved one's day one to remember. Cats are known for being fickle creatures, but with one of these great gifts, you're sure to make your friend's cat happy!