Catnip Growing Instructions

Treat Your Cat With Homegrown Catnip
At Thunder Acres, we love our cats! We know that you love your cats, too, and that there are few things more fun than watching your cat have a great time with catnip! If you are tired of having to go to the store to buy catnip (that you aren’t sure how or where it was grown), The Ultimate Cat Lovers Kit is the best possible solution! Not only does it include everything you need to grow catnip, it also includes catgrass seed, coco coir, containers, and a random cat toy! Your cat will love having fresh catgrass and catnip, and you’ll love making your cat happy — it’s truly a win-win! Keep reading to learn about the process for growing catnip, then check out our store for lots of great seeds and growing materials.

How to Grow Catnip
- Expand the coco coir by placing it in a medium size bowl and running warm water over it.
- Place moistened coir into a container.
- Sprinkle catnip seeds across the top of the moistened coir.
- Lightly incorporate the seeds into the soil.
- Take a piece of stretch wrap and place over the container. This will ensure a moist environment for the catnip seeds to germinate.
- Once the seeds have sprouted, remove the stretch wrap and place the container in a sunny place
- Whether you are growing your catnip inside or outside, make sure it is in a place where cats do not have a chance to destroy young plants.
- Water every other day or as needed.
- To prolong the life of your catnip plants, transplant them outside after the last frost in full sun. As a perennial, they will grow year after year. Once your catnip is established, it is drought tolerant.

What Makes Our Catnip and Catgrass Special
While you can get catnip at pretty much any pet supply shop or big box store, the truth is, you don’t really know where it is coming from. The same is true if you buy some catgrass. But when you grow your own, you know exactly where it’s coming from and you know exactly what was put on it. And with our Ultimate Cat Lovers Kit, you don’t need pesticide or anything other than what we put in the kit. Knowing that your cat will be playing with plants that you grow that are free from chemicals is a pretty great feeling.

If you love your cat and you’ve got a bit of a green thumb, we know that you’ll love our Ultimate Cat Lovers Kit. We also have catgrass for sale in several different varieties and quantities, so make sure to check out the rest of our store.