Popular Around the World
Sorghum is a cereal grain. Around the world, it is a staple crop that is used to feed livestock. One of the key benefits of grain sorghum is that it can grow well, even when the ground that it is growing in seems less that amenable. It performs where others generally fail.
Milo and Drought
Milo is a subset and specific type of sorghum that differs because it is more resilient to drought. This has the benefit of making it an easier crop to grow and maintain even in heat and dry climates. It is particularly popular in the midwest for this reason and provides a lot of animal feed.
One of the benefits of this type of seed outside of its resistance to heat and drought is that a little goes a long way. One pound of it has over 13,000 seeds in it, meaning that your yield can be high. It also has the added benefit of having an 80% germination rate.
Difficulty of Finding Reliable Farming Products
Finding the right feed for your purposes is not the easiest thing in the world. We also understand that it is difficult to find a farm that is consistent in both their product and their service. You want a company that will stand proudly behind its product and work to earn your business through hard work and honest communication about product supply and availability. Thunder Acres gets that struggle and strives to make it easy for you to find a wide variety of items with ease. Never again will you have to shop around for a supplier who might not even come through for you in the end.
How to Grow Seed Well
Once you actually have your hands on the product that you need, you’re going to need the knowledge in order to properly put it to work and ensure that you get the best yield possible. One important factor is that you have proper drainage for your crop. There is nothing worse than successfully planting all of that seed only to see it die from overhydration. You’ll also need to make sure that your seed is buried at the proper depth so that it can thrive. Of course, the last aspect of seed growth is making sure that your plants have direct sunlight to help them along.
Products At Thunder Acres
One of the more frustrating things when it comes to looking for farm-based supplies is the lack of variety in products with some suppliers. Thunder Acres supplies our customer with everything from grain sorghum, milo, bird seed and catnip seeds to coco coir bricks and heavy duty growing trays. We strive to ensure that our farming customers have everything that they need in order to thrive. We want you to feel like we are your one-stop shop for any product, however odd, that you might require on your Southcentral Kansas farm. Find exactly what you are looking for when you shop with us!
Growing your own seed isn’t a particularly difficult process, and the resulting yield is definitely worth the effort. Make sure that you end up with your share of the harvest and order your grain sorghum, milo, bird seed now. Learn more about Thunder Acre Farms while you’re at it!